Purple Magic (First Semester)
Developing piano skills
Students learn all note names on the staff, identify accidentals, are introduced to transposing, play level one piano repertoire, learn about key signatures, ABA song form and much more!
Pre-requisite: Must have completed Green Turtle Shells & Yellow Arrows
Class duration: 55 minsNote: Parents are requested to attend classes. TBA by the instructor.
- Purple Magic Tuition for the 16-week semester$528.00 ($33.00/class)
- Recital Fee (One-Time Payment)$45.00
- Add Course Materials$79.00 USD/year 1st year set
You can register by choosing your desired class time from the schedule below!
Orange Roots (Second Semester)
Developing piano skills
Students learn to build and identify a triad, find the root in a triad and invert triads. They learn ¾ and 4/4 time signatures, more rhythmic notation and adding a chord to a melody, melodic dictation, compose their own piece to perform at a recital and much more!
Pre-requisite: Must have completed Green Turtle Shells & Yellow Arrows
Class duration: 55 minsNote: Parents are requested to attend classes. TBA by the instructor.
- Orange Roots Tuition for the 16-week semester$528.00 ($33.00/class)
- Recital Fee (One-Time Payment)$45.00
- Add Course Materials$79.00 USD/year 1st year set